Clackamas Slalom Race
August 24, 25, 26

Just a reminder that there will be an EASY whitewater slalom race on the Clackamas River, where the Roaring River joins the Clack (upstream of Fish and below Three Lynx) next weekend:  August 24, 25, and 26.  The course will be designed for newbies, those that have not tried slalom.

The river is low and the  the course designed for fun and so that everyone can make all the gates.  Those in plastic boats are most welcome and there will be novice, intermediate and expert classes for short kayaks, medium kayaks as well as slalom kayaks, C1s, and open canoes.

This is an OKCC, as well as a LCCC shared event.   And is the sixth race of the Northwest Cup Slalom series.  The last NW Cup race for slalom is the Nooksack - Oct 6-7.

Friday will involve course construction, putting up the slalom gates, beginning around 10:30 am.

Saturday will allow everyone to try out the course, practice all day!

Sunday will be the race, beginning with a race meeting around 10 am and first runs around 10:30 am.

Put in is mile post 41.67, about 17 miles east of Estacada. Camping is available at several campgrounds along the river is you arrive early. Parking is at mile post 41.

For further information, questions, directions, email Carl Poston at: or David Johnson at:

Come on out and check this out, this is a perfect chance to try some slalom gates with no pressure, hone those eddy-hopping and ferry skills, and you might just want to race on Sunday.
Hope to see you there!

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